- Worship: Sunday - 9.30 am – Lively Eucharist which always includes engagement with children.
- Te Reo services: Te Reo services happen on the third Sunday of every month.
- Ethos: A servant congregation with a strong sense of community loyalty built around historical and family connections. New people welcomed, old relationships nurtured while working towards building a community of faith in Ōpōtiki.
- Ethnicity: Mainly Pākeha, some Māori and others in an increasingly Māori community context with Te Reo used each Sunday as an integral part of the liturgy. A special relationship with the Torere congregation exists with combined worship each 5th Sunday of the month at Torere or Hiona.
- Children: Children are an integral part of the life of the 9.30 am congregation and play their part alongside the adults. Children are always catered for at this service.Social: Morning tea after service each Sunday.
- Outreach: Communicate the Anglican mission story in Ōpōtiki in partnership with the local museum over the road; Anglican Homebased Childcare (Whakatāne) offers childcare in the area which includes a playgroup each week in the Hiona Hall; Growing through Grief operates from the parish offering programmes within local schools.
- Highlights: Mokomoko and Volkner, symbols for reconciliation. Constantly celebrating continuing reconciliation through tours of our historic church.